Lafirel 16年前 (2008-12-10) 2568浏览 0评论
Epic Games’ Gears of War sequel is in no danger of being branded a dud, as the Xbox 360 exclusive has already sold thro...
Lafirel 16年前 (2008-12-10) 2568浏览 0评论
Epic Games’ Gears of War sequel is in no danger of being branded a dud, as the Xbox 360 exclusive has already sold thro...
Lafirel 16年前 (2008-12-04) 2574浏览 0评论
来自国外媒体的最新消息,即将在拉斯维加斯举办的Spike TV 2008游戏颁奖晚会上将首度公开PS3独占大作《战神3》的游戏影像,另外还有一些未公开的游戏发表。 另外有消息表示当场还将公开XBOX360超人气大作《战争机器2》的资料篇。出展游戏影像...