

生化危机类 Lafirel 2849浏览 0评论

– the enemies are las plaga infected (a "stronger strain of Las Plagas")
– no fire-running, but can strafe in the gears-control scheme (type D)
– Type-A is the original tank control
– infected dogs are black labrador instead of doberman pinschers

no typewriter, the saving system is split up into checkpoints and
chapters. Checkpoints will occur at key sections in a Chapter. If a
player dies, they will be thrown back to that Checkpoint. At the end of
a Chapter, your game will save

– chris meet sheva within the first 30 minutes of the game
– first stage name is = assembly place, the place where they witness the beheading by the executor

starts with the swarm of enemies swarming into the cabin and you and
sheva have to defend yourself in the cabin (like in RE4 of Luis and
– uppercut/clothesline move for chris, roundhouse/flipkick for sheva
– double quick-time-event might appear (only when you are rescuing your teammate who are struggling to break free from enemies)

a new ‘locate partner’ button. when pressed, a targeting reticule
appear on partner and the camera locks on and pivot to him/her
– ‘call for help’ button when you are in trouble, but its up to them to come to help you or not
– an overhead map button, a transparent overlap small map in the upper right corner

playing alone, you are always in control of Chris (because one of the
main aspects of the game is to focus on chris story).

– there will be a part where they have to save a BSAA mate (Kirk) , whose chopper got shot down in the shanty town chapter
– the enemies suffer from their own friendly fire
– chainsaw man harder to kill this time

RE5 might end up a little shorter than RE4 because the team felt that
re4 was too long (don’t even know if this is a good thing or bad thing
since re4 was really long)
-Takeuchi hints that we’ve already seen all the returning characters, and no other ones will be in the game

is thinking in the possibility of include Akuma as a playable character
in the Mercenaries mini-game (referencing an old EGM april fools joke
for RE2)

-Tofu (RE2) was created for collision detection. Since
the team had been using him for several years, they decided to keep him
in the game as a playable character

-Takeuchi thinks that the combination of guns in RE2 was the best in the series

-Takeuchi’s favorite thing about Resident Evil is Shinji Mikami, who’s hard work allowed the series to continue

EGM speculate Ada to appear due to las plaga in this game, but they
won’t confirm her to be in the game (well the bird mask lady identity
is still a mistery) perhaps Leon make a cameo.

Source: gamefaqs.com forum provided by Xfactor and the-horror.com provided by Archelon and Dot50cal

胡亂翻譯了一下…= =錯誤很多,請不要恥笑我這英語苦手

-敵人是被感染的las plaga
-不能跑動攻擊,但可以在 gears-control (這是什麽?)中進行攻擊(D類操作)
– 不再有打字機,遊戲將在每小章節和每個場景中儲存,如果玩家控制的角色在遊戲中死亡,那么遊戲將在該場景續關, 在遊戲的章節結束后,可以保存(Kyo注:和BIO4一樣)
– 第一階段的名字叫做集會地,在那裏我們可以見到斧頭男(the executor,斬首人)
– 敵人會蜂擁而至進入一個小屋,而你和Sheva需要在小屋裏面保證生存(類似BH4的木屋防衛戰)
– Chris可以使用上鈎拳和clothesline move(這是什麽意思?),Sheva則可以使用迴旋踢(|||||)【完全不會翻譯這句啊XDDDDD】
– QTE依然會存在(只有當你援救隊友或者其正擺脫敵人時)
– 一個新的“找出合作夥伴”按鍵,按下它后,會出現一個類似相機的鏡框,將對準他/她
– 小地圖右上角有透明的地圖重疊


– 敵人能受到自己人的攻擊
– 電鋸男在這裡面會更難挂掉
– BIO5的結局可能比BIO4短





– EGM考慮到ADA可能會因為las plaga出現在遊戲中,不過他們沒有證實(畢竟面具女人的身份仍然是個迷)或許Leon會來做個客串

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