

潜龙谍影类 Lafirel 2851浏览 0评论

According to a rumor in the latest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine
(Issue # 018), Metal Gear Solid 5 will be announced by Konami some time
in April or May. We personally think that such a major announcement
would be better suited for E3, but we’d like to think PTOM knows what
they are talking about.

Speculation suggests a prequel
(to Metal Gear Solid 4) featuring Raiden and how he became a Cyborg
Ninja, and managed to save Sunny from the Patriots, or a squad based
game featuring the newly formed FOXHOUND team being led by Meryl.

PTOM also notes that MGS5 might not be directed by Kojima, but he would probably be involved in some way. They
also go on to say that Kojima might have his hands full working on Max
Savage, a game that was originally a dream sequence Big Boss had in

E3 is only a few months away, so this rumored announcement may be coming much sooner than later.


根据猜测,新作可能是<<合金装备4>>的前传,讲述雷电如何成为Cyborg Ninja,并成功地从爱国者手中拯救了天才少女Sunny的故事;也有可能是一个有关由Meryl领导的新“猎狐犬”小队的游戏。

据OPM说<<合金装备5>>的导演不再由小岛秀夫担当,但是小岛秀夫仍然会以类似顾问的形式参与。另据说,小岛秀夫正在全力投入另一项名为Max Savage的游戏。

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