Time to go to work guys! 第一次升级项目 |
Come on Puppy. Let’s go! 击败Hunter,就是游乐场出现的那只大狗一样的怪物 |
Thing drives me crazy 获得大镰刀Osiris |
Only kind of gift worth giving 获得滑行技能 |
Flock off, feather-face! 击败Tyrant |
It’s got to stay in the family 获得巨斧Arbiter |
This baby sure can pack a punch 获得拳套Eryx |
He’s a demon too 帮助Phineas 取回眼睛 |
You are not a Human, are you? 取得DT变身能力 |
No talking! 取得手里剑Aquila |
More than just a few sparks 取得散弹枪Revenant |
Whatever, Lady 击败Mundus’ spawn |
You’re not going to shoot me 取得Kablooey 这是啥武器? |
It’s time to finish this! 帮助维吉尔打开墓穴 维吉尔坏蛋~ |
Cleaning up his Dad’s mess 击败Mundus |
The end? Don’t bet on it 任意难度击败维吉尔 诶 就不能像亲兄弟一样… |
Looks like it’s your lucky day 无伤完成任意关卡 |
Every hero has a weakness 在什么熔炉无伤 |
It’s only the rain 推到Hurricane ride杀死10个敌人 |
A man with guts and honor 杀死任务6所有的敌人 |
Now my coat’s all charred 飞过天空之桥不被激光射中 |
Where does the time go? 2分钟内完成一关 |
For Tony Redgrave 纯枪械杀死50个敌人 |
In the name of my father 杀死100个敌人使用恶魔武器 |
You’ll never have her fire 杀死100个敌人使用天使武器 |
Impressive 杀死100个恶魔 |
Bring it on! 杀死1000个恶魔 |
Looks like we have a winner 杀死5000个恶魔 |
Sensational! 战斗中获得SSS评价 |
showtime. Come on! 获得1500华丽度奖励分 |
This is my kind of rain 花掉10,000红魂 |
Absolutely crazy about it 花掉50,000红魂 |
Let’s rock, baby! 但丁血槽满点 |
You can’t handle it 但丁魔力槽满点 |
Power… Give me more power! 购买所有但丁的战斗技能 |
Dude, the show’s over! 找到21个钥匙 |
Let’s welcome chaos! 打开21道秘密任务门 |
And you are set free 找到一半失落之魂 |
Fill your dark soul with light 找到所有失落之魂 |
Keeps getting better and better 所有任务100%完成度 |
Stylish! 完成一个任务评价为SSS |
Too easy! 斯巴达之子难度完成 |
Devils never cry 但丁必须死难度完成 |
This is what I live for! 天堂或地狱难度完成 |
And welcome to Hell! 地狱或地狱难度完成 |
Jackpot! 完成所有任务在 Nephilim 难度 且全部SSS评价 |
This party’s just getting crazy! 完成10个秘密任务 |
One hell of a party! 完成所有秘密任务 |