

游戏业界类 Lafirel 2239浏览 0评论



Sony CFO Nobuyuki Oneda noted recently that the PS3’s cost is still 10 percent higher than the system’s price, reports Andriasang.com. With the console’s price differences in each region, if Oneda is talking about Japan, that would be approximately ¥4,000 ($42). In North America the same $40 loss would also hold true.

As bad as losing money on each console manufactured sounds, it used to be worse. Just a year ago the estimate was that Sony was losing over $100 per system. Losing a couple Jacksons (four Hideyo’s in Japan) per console isn’t great, but it appears that Sony’s costs and sales on the console are slowly finding equilibrium. Unless, of course, there’s another $100 price drop in the PS3’s near future.

转载请注明:No.77 疯人院 - 游戏业界新闻 - 主机游戏资料攻略 » 【业界】PS3成本仍比售价高出10%,索尼每卖出一台PS3亏损40美元

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