
【业界】微软官方宣布Xbox Live金会员年费涨价

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微软官方宣布从11月1日开始,在美国,加拿大,英国和墨西哥等4个国家,XBOX LIVE的金会员年费将有一定幅度的涨价,举例来说,北美地区的XBOX LIVE金会员将从当前的49.99美元涨价到59.99美元。

值得注意的是,金会员涨价的4个国家恰恰是当前XBOX360最普及,XBOX LIVE最普及的区域。不知道该区域的LIVE会员看到这样的新闻会作何感想。



Thank you for being a valued member of Xbox LIVE. We want to let you know about an upcoming price increase for Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions. The new price for Gold membership goes into effect on November 1, 2010. The new prices are as follows:

Old Price   New Price

1-Month Gold Subscription   $7.99   $9.99

3-Month Gold Subscription   $19.99   $24.99

12-Month Gold Subscription   $49.99   $59.99

With an Xbox LIVE Gold membership, you can play blockbuster games such as Halo: Reach with your friends online, you can also stream movies from Netflix* and music from Last.fm right to your TV. You can even connect with friends near and far on Facebook® and Twitter™. Gold members also enjoy exclusive discounts and early access to game demos. And, this holiday, Xbox LIVE is adding new Gold features, including ESPN and Video Kinect, with Hulu Plus coming on Xbox Live in 2011.

Because you are a loyal member, we want to give you the opportunity to lock in your current price with an additional discount. Click here or log on to Xbox LIVE from your console to review and take advantage of these limited-time offers.


The Xbox LIVE Team

Major Nelson通过blog公布了Xbox LIVE订阅费上涨的消息。

11月1日之后,Xbox Live费用涨幅如下:

美服:一个月:$7.99 -> $9.99
美服:三个月:$19.99 -> $24.99
美服:一年期:$49.99 -> $59.99

英国:一个月:GBP 4.99 -> 5.99

加拿大:一个月:$8.99 -> $9.99



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