
【XBOX360】 LIVE 广告泄密:360 新体验在11月推出

游戏业界类 Lafirel 2462浏览 0评论

但在 Rock Band 2 LIVE 里的广告里清楚写着 "请留意11月的XBOX新体验"!

nothing has been confirmed by Microsoft, a suspicious Xbox Live in-dash
ad definitely points to November for the long-awaited dashboard
relaunch. CNET sister site GameSpot reports that an ad for Rock Band 2
blatantly claims to "Check out the New Xbox Experience coming in

We first learned details about the brand new Xbox
Live dashboard at this summer’s E3 2008 press conference, where it was
also announced that the new interface would support personal
avatars–think Nintendo Mii characters–and Netflix streaming
capabilities. Other new features offered by the update will include the
ability to completely install a game onto the system’s hard drive,
which will drastically reduce the strain on the console’s DVD drive and
potentially decrease loading times.


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