

游戏业界类 Lafirel 2191浏览 0评论

Microsoft have announced an "Xbox 360 Live
Pack", which contains a 60GB HDD, a wired headset, ethernet cable and 3
month Xbox Live Gold subscription. In other words, everything you need
in the Arcade 360, but don’t get. So it’s no surprise to see that the
bundle is priced at $US99, which just so happens to be the exact price
difference between the Arcade and Pro consoles. It’ll be out in the US
in early November.

转载请注明:No.77 疯人院 - 游戏业界新闻 - 主机游戏资料攻略 » 【XBOX360】最新60G硬盘版LIVE套装公布,只要99美元.

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