估计NAMCO想观察下SC4跨平台的销售情况 , 如果Xbox360版热卖的话,《铁拳6》跨平台指日可待……
GameEX:Will it be exclusive for the PlayStation3 console?
Suzaki: NO. It hasn’t been determined yet as of the moment,but we are developing it for Playstation3 so you can play it.
GameEX:Will TK6 be available in other consoles like the XO?
Ryuichi:As of the moment,we have no idea.
转载请注明:No.77 疯人院 - 游戏业界新闻 - 主机游戏资料攻略 » NAMCO否定PS3独占《铁拳6》,虽然XBox360版目前没考虑……