

游戏业界类 Lafirel 2586浏览 0评论


Two recent surveys regarding the Nintendo 3DS indicate that the company has a long way to go in building public support for its forthcoming handheld console, despite holding a major news conference late last month to announce the details of the device to the Japanese media.

第一份调查是由《日本经济新闻》和在线调查机构《Macromill》联合举行的,在周一的报纸上,调查显示出:在1000名受调查者中,有55.9%的人表示他们“不知道”关于3DS的消息;而且也有相当数量的人表示他们对3DS不是很感兴趣。只有7.2%的人表示他们十分了解3DS,而剩下还有 36.9%的人表示他们“略微知道”一些关于3DS的事情。

The first survey was conducted by Japan’s Nikkei Shimbun and online research firm Macromill, with the results appearing in Monday’s edition of the newspaper (via Hachimaki). Out of 1,000 people, 55.9% said they “didn’t know” about the Nintendo 3DS. An identical number of respondents further said they had “no interest” in the console. Only 7.2% said they “knew all about it” and 36.9% indicated they “knew a little about it.”


That same survey also showed similar ignorance regarding 3D software on Sony’s PlayStation 3. 57.8% said they “didn’t know” about such offerings.


A second survey focused on the price of the Nintendo 3DS, announced last month as 25,000 yen (about $300 USD). 1,003 people were told the price and asked “Is [it] expensive? Or is it cheap?” Over 79% replied it was “expensive” in one way or another, while only 16.4% indicated it was “a reasonable price.”


These somber results stand in stark contrast to the report last week that the Nintendo DS is Japan’s most popular console, handheld or otherwise.


“Is the Nintendo 3DS expensive? Or is it cheap?”

Somewhat expensive – 32.2% 有点昂贵
Expensive – 28.3% 昂贵
Too expensive – 19.2% 相当昂贵
Reasonable price – 16.4% 价格还算合理
Somewhat cheap – 2% 还算便宜
Too cheap – 1% 太便宜了
Cheap – 0.9% 便宜

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