

游戏业界类 Lafirel 2329浏览 0评论
2008-10-7 15:47

在任天堂发布了新的DSi消息之后,索尼也站出来讨论了,他们对这个事情也有自己的看法。当SONY说到Nintendo,会是什么样的情况呢?我们采访了索尼硬件市场部的主管John Koller。对于他们来说,到底DSi是不是一个加剧竞争的元素呢?

John Koller:“我认为任天堂的历史因素,在某种程度上缓和了硬件更新换代的速度。当年DSL出现的时候,也有很多争议,是否DSL就足够满足大众?不过事实证明,DSL无疑是成功的。”


John Koller:“DSi应该会成功吧…DSL已经成功了,DSi是否会像DSL一样辉煌的销量?我想也许会的。但是DSi能否使得任天堂的玩家群体得以扩大,超过或者低于12岁,这我就不敢肯定了。



Title: Sony Fondles New DS with One Hand, Bitchslaps with the Other

the wake of Nintendo’s announcement of the DSi, Sony reached out and
asked if we’d like to discuss the event and get their side of the
story. Sony talking about Nintendo? How could we resist??

So we
asked John Koller, Sony director of hardware marketing, what he thought
about the DSi. Was it an aggressive enough refresh?

Koller:Nintendo has kind of a history of these [moderate] kinds of
updates, and even with DS Lite, there was a lot of discussion, "Is that
enough?" And they seemed to do pretty well there.

True, Nintendo sold a lot of DS Lites. So how will the DSi do compared to its predecessor?

Koller:I can see the DSi being successful. The DS lite was obviously
very successful. Will DSi do well with [the DS’s] demographic? It
probably will. Will it be a product that expands their user base
[beyond] under 12? I’m not sure.

Verdict: If you play DS you wear diapers. And drool.

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