

战神类 Lafirel 2527浏览 0评论

1. Unlike God of War 1 and 2 where there are only 15 enemies on screen, there will now be around 50 this time.
2. You can ride monsters like the Cyclops and “control”.
3. Kratos on the PS2 used 5,000 polygons, now he uses 20,000.
4. They made the weapons “better” so it adds more variety. Like with a different weapon, you don’t get just a couple different attacks, but a whole different play style.
5. The lion gauntlets are called Cestus.
6. Enemy AI’s are a lot smarter. Some of the enemies will be “commanders” and control the other grunts.
7. Enemies will look different, even if they’re the same type. Like, even though the skeleton soldiers are in the same category, they will have varied looks, so it’s not like everyone looks the same.
8. More boss fights than GoW 1, but less than GoW 2.
9. No multiplayer.
10. Hades boss fight confirmed.

1. 不像戰神1.2, 畫面上最多只有15個敵人, 這次會一次出現50個以上
2. 你可以騎怪獸(例如獨眼怪-Cyclops)並完全控制它們
3. PS2上的戰神Kratos是由5000個多邊形組成, PS3將會提升到20000個
4. 武器上全面提升: 不只拿到新武器會學到幾個新的新攻擊, 這次將讓玩家體驗用不一樣的武器玩法也會大大不同
5. 預告片獅頭的拳套名為: Cestus
6. AI比之前聰明許多, 敵人裡面還會有指揮官系統
7. 敵人就算種類一樣也會長的不一樣. 例如說骷髏兵是屬於同一種類, 但他們長相和面部表情會不同, 所以不會所有敵人都長的一樣
8. 魔王戰會比戰神1多, 但比戰神2少一點
9. 沒有多人模式
10. 將會與地獄之神Hades進行決戰

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