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尽管任天堂的首次3D尝试是大家所熟知的Virtual Boy,但公司CEO岩田聪最近在一次访谈中表示,在3DS公开前,公司为了3D技术曾持续尝试了15年。

在访谈中,岩田聪承认,Virtual Boy并不成功,但任天堂并没有放弃,并且曾考虑在Gamecube和GBA中加入3D支持。

据岩田聪所说, Gamecube曾被考虑设计成拥有有”视差角度”的LCD显示,并且公司制作了3D版的[路易的鬼屋],”游戏的效果非常好,充分展示了游戏世界的纵深 感。”

“但当我们审视市场时,我们不得不面对这样一个问题,玩家必须为此而购买一个显示器。”岩田聪解释道。SONY也将面对同样的问题,他们必须努力来克服 PS3的3D推广问题。


“当我们看到GBA SP的3D图像时,我们发现高分辨率的表现并不好,视差角度的显示屏也不能很好的工作。”岩田聪解释道,”GBA的图像处理能力并不足够强大。”


在DS发布之初,我们就立即投入后续机型的开发之中,但当时我们并没有立即考虑3D显示,因为我们过去有着一系列失败的尝试。然而,随着技术的发展,和高 分辨率3D LCD的出现,任天堂内部的制作人,包括塞尔达和马里奥之父宫本茂开始重新考虑3D技术,因此任天堂再度出发。E3上3DS的发表,可以看成是公司的最终一击。


Although Nintendo’s first foray into 3D, the Virtual Boy (right) is well known to most videogame fans, company CEO Satoru Iwata has revealed in an interview that its experimentation with three-dimensional visuals continued for another fifteen years or so before the recent reveal of the 3DS.

Speaking to VentureBeat (in the same interview we sourced for this story on the 3DS being sold at a profit), Iwata admitted that the Virtual Boy “didn’t work that well,” but that Nintendo toiled away, and even considered adding 3D support to the Gamecube and Game Boy Advance.

According to Iwata, the Gamecube was designed with “parallax barrier” LCD displays in mind, and that the company produced a 3D version of launch title Luigi’s Mansion, which was “appealing. It showed depth in the view of the gaming world.”

“But when we reviewed marketability, we had to consider the problem of consumers having to purchase displays,” explained Iwata — a problem Sony will be working hard to overcome with its 3D technology on the PlayStation 3.

Iwata also revealed that the company also tried out 3D technology with the Game Boy Advance, saying that “the prototype is still inside my chest drawer.”

“When we saw 3D images on the GBA SP, we saw the high resolution wasn’t good and the parallax barrier display available was not functioning well,” explained Iwata. “The graphical processing power of the GBA wasn’t good enough.”

The company did not even consider implementing 3D into the original DS because, as Iwata explains, “we though we couldn’t afford to add anything more” after introducing a touchscreen.

Work on the successor to the DS started immediatley after release but, even then, the company was not immediately considering revisiting 3D displays, which it saw as a series of failed experiments in the past. However, as technology advanced and 3D-capable LCDs were available at higher resolutions, several designers within Nintendo — including Zelda and Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto — began to see the appeal, causing Nintendo to try again. And given the reception of the 3DS at E3, it looks like the company has finally nailed it.

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