

游戏业界类 Lafirel 2557浏览 0评论

自从上周任天堂在E3公开3DS以来,似乎每天我们都渴望了解更多这台掌机的新功能。比如,下载杂志和报纸,可能的游戏安装和对孩子视力的伤害。今天又有 了个更酷的新消息,任天堂总裁岩田聪表示,3DS有能力支持3D视频聊天。

“技术上来说,3DS具有无限潜能。比如,3D视频聊天。”在Forbes的访谈中,岩田聪几乎是脱口而出。之后岩田聪并未就此多做解释,但至少他承认 3DS具有3D视频聊天的能力,尽管只是技术上的可能。

我们都知道3DS可以通过机器外侧的两个摄像头拍摄3D图片。但我们仍然很好奇,3D聊天是怎样工作的,因为3DS内侧只有一个摄像头,你怎样在给对方传 输3D图像的同时又在屏幕上显示对方的3D图像呢?希望任天堂最终能加入这项功能,让我看看到底它是什么样子。


It feels like nearly every day since Nintendo unveiled the 3DS at E3 last week, we learn of yet another (sometimes only rumored) intriguing new feature that the device is capable of — for instance, magazine and newspaper downloads, potential game installations, and the ability to ruin your child’s vision. Today’s cool new feature: Nintendo president Satoru Iwata says the 3DS is capable of 3D video chat.

“Technologically speaking, a variety of different things are possible with the 3DS, for example, 3D video chat,” Iwata said — seemingly offhandedly — in an interview with Forbes. Iwata didn’t elaborate on this feature any further, nor did he confirm the 3DS will have a 3D video chat feature — only that it is technologically possible.

We know the 3DS will be able to take 3D pictures, using two cameras on the outside of the system. But there is a curiosity about how 3D video chat would work — since there’s only one camera on the front of the DS, how could you both produce a 3D video stream for the person you’re chatting with while also seeing said person on your own screen at the same time? Hopefully Nintendo will add the feature after all, and we’ll all be able to find out exactly how it’d work ourselves.

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