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(路透社)- 任天堂首席执行官岩田聪(Satoru Iwata)周二表示,或许有必要与其它公司结盟



任天堂周一发布的2011财年财报显示,2011财年,任天堂运营利润为1711亿日元(约合20.9亿美元),与去年同期的3568亿日元相比下滑 52%,低于此前汤森路透预期的2008亿日元;当年任天堂Wii游戏机销量为1510万部,而上一财年Wii销量为2010万部。

Nintendo CEO: alliances with other firms may be needed

TOKYO | Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:22pm EDT

(Reuters) – Nintendo said on Tuesday that alliances with other companies may be necessary, a day after the game maker reported its second straight fall in annual profit and said it would launch a successor to its aging Wii console.

“I now regret that we didn’t tie up with someone outside the company to market the Wii. If we had done that, the fate of the Wii might have been different,” Chief Executive Satoru Iwata said at a conference for investors and analysts.

“Now I am aware that we should not rely too much on ourselves. You will see what I mean by this when we market the 3DS and the Wii in the future.”

(Reporting by Junko Fujita; Editing by Michael Watson)

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网友最新评论 (2)

  1. 任天堂在任何一次次世代战争中都没失手过……这样说让索尼情何以堪……
    Lafirel14年前 (2011-05-10)
  2. 也不知道后悔什么,反正是没赚到更多才后悔的!
    宝佑14年前 (2011-05-03)